morph_ONE is a mechanistic-driven assay that reveals how inhaled substances affect more morphological and biochemical features of alveolar macrophages, that correlate to in vivo endpoints.

The assay helps companies and researchers to correctly interpret the response of the immune system in the lungs to inhaled chemical products, improving product development.

This has the potential to offer an early pre-clinical screening tool to predict the safety profile of novel inhaled medicines and prevent unsuitable compounds entering in vivo animal testing. Prediction of foamy macrophage responses at the in vitro level will better inform animal experiments required to achieve an accurate predication of the safety of new inhaled medicines in humans, with the goal of reducing our reliance on in vivo experiments.

The comparison of in vitro cell responses from a variety of rat ex vivo and human and rat in vitro models allows for a direct comparison between species. 

Make every Breath Safe

This immune model can help you to understand the effects that chemicals have in the deep lung, an important advantage over other products which are limited to only showing cells to be alive or dead.

It’s well suited in application for a range of sectors, including cosmetics, tobacco, fragrances, agri-chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.

Get complimentary short-term access to a limited amount of our products so you can to familiarize yourself with our offerings and test them within their own laboratories before purchasing a full service or product.

Distinguishing different levels of alveolar macrophage responses

Whether the foamy macrophage responses observed in non-clinical in vivo studies are relevant to humans or not, remains unclear; with “safe” exposure levels set without knowing if these observations are adverse or adaptive. Whilst in vitro approaches for predicting safety are routinely used non-clinically in the pharmaceutical industry, multi-parameter screens combining viability, activation, functionality, and morphology endpoints have yet to be incorporated. Multi-parameter in vitro assessment of phenotypic alveolar macrophage responses with morphONE provides a detailed understanding of adverse lung responses, which can be correlated to morphological changes observed in the rat lung to help inform more detailed safety assessment of new modalities.

ImmuONE’s new service morph_ONE is a reproducible, mechanistic-driven cell painting assay that can differentiate alveolar macrophage responses in vitro and match them to compounds with varying safety profiles. morph_ONE reveals how inhaled substances affect more than a dozen morphological features of macrophages, including sphericity, cell and nuclear area, shape analysis and vacuolation profiles. Currently, there is no established in vitro assessment that can provide morphometric characteristics of alveolar macrophages, so morph_ONE fills a crucial gap for scientists.

morph_ONE reveals how inhaled substances affect more than a dozen morphological features of macrophages, including sphericity, cell and nuclear area, shape analysis and vacuolation profiles. Currently, there is no established in vitro assessment that can provide morphometric characteristics of alveolar macrophages, so morph_ONE fills a crucial gap for scientists.

As alveolar macrophage responses to drug challenge in vivo may impact only a small percentage of the total cell population, cellular responses in vitro may be disregarded when considering average data descriptors. This study explores the use of multiple parameters for individual cells, enabling analysis of a subset of the population of cells that respond to a stimulus. 

Through individual cell analysis and layering of cellular features, ImmuONE can generate phenotypic profiles to demonstrate how alveolar macrophage respond to compounds of interest. Our scientists can then determine whether these new compounds are safe by comparing their phenotypic profiles to those in our reference database. The assay correlates with in vivo findings, reducing reliance on animal studies, which can be expensive and time-consuming.
Complete the form to get a morph_ONE data sheet with the possible applications, key features and biological readouts. You also have the opportunity to join our monthly newsletter and receive free research and information for solutions to inhalation toxicity and alveolar macrophages.

A major hurdle in the development of new inhaled products is the observation of foamy macrophage responses in animal studies. Foamy macrophage responses raise safety concerns and hinder progress, even though little is known about whether these responses are truly harmful to the lungs.

Our research shows that morph_ONE can identify foamy macrophage phenotypes linked to phospholipidosis and apoptosis, making it a promising in vitro screening tool for the safety assessment of inhaled products.

How can ImmuONE help you today

Dr Victoria Hunter
Chief Scientific Officer at Immuone

Dr Victoria Hunter co-founded ImmuONE in 2019 with Abigail after a successful Innovation to Commercialisation of University Research (ICURe) programme which allowed us to accelerate our human in vitro immunocompetent lung models to market. Her role as Chief Scientific Officer spans the scientific and commercial aspects of the company.

Dr Louis Scott
Commercial Lead in immunology

Louis is a true believer in the need for robust, animal-free, and human-relevant models in toxicity testing and is an immunologist by trade. Louis believes exploring the modulation of macrophage biology in commercial testing is pivotal for understanding important aspects of how our lungs and bodies are affected by inhaled compounds. Immune cells are our “knights in shining armour” when it comes to protecting our body, and by that logic, ensuring their health is incredibly important.

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